Dragon Ball Legends is a gacha game where characters fight using their immense amount of power by utilizing their unique skills. There are different ways how you can make your characters stronger and let them unleash their real potential. One good way to do this is through Limit Break.
To explain more about Limit Break, here is everything you need to learn about Z Power first. By the way, you can also buy game accounts here to obtain a best game experience.
What is Z Power in DBL
To give you a quick description, the Z Power is the condensed form of Ki or the character’s life energy used in releasing a skill. Basically, Z Power is an item you need to collect per character to unlock them. Once an unlocked character reaches 100 Z Power, this character becomes available for use in any battle.
Eventually, when an unlocked character receives a particular number of 100 Z Power, this is when the Limit Break happens.
What is Limit Break in Dragon Ball Legends
In Dragon Ball Legends, Limit Break refers to the character’s increase of stars. Each unlocked character requires a varying amount of Z Power to reach Limit Break. For example, Vegito needs a higher number of Z Power in order to reach Limit Break compared to Trunks who require lesser Z Power.
These Z Power that causes Limit Break to characters are transformed into Z Medal or the star.
How to Earn Z Power
The Z Power can be collected in each summon. But there are also some other methods to farm Z Powers to either unlock a new character or increase the Z Medal of your existing character in use.
Playing and completing the Legends Road events can give you particular items that you can choose to exchange for the character’s Z Power that is included in the event. Some examples are Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen), Great Saiyaman 1, Fused with Kami Piccolo, Super Saiyan Goku, Gotenks, Goku (Youth), and Trunks (Youth).
Other than this, the Rising Battle event grants you Z Power after completing the stage for the first time. If you are able to complete the event up to the last stage, there will be a guaranteed 7+ star Limit Break for your character. That being said, make sure to never lose this chance if this event appears.
Lastly, some of the story events of particular DBL characters also grant you Z Power upon completion of the stage. Usually, the units that have the chance of dropping Z Power are those included in the summoned banners. Now, if you find the story of each character interesting, make sure to complete their story events as well. We never know whether they will drop a Z Power or not—always take chances.
Basically, these are the basic things that you have to learn about Z Power. However, if these things are too much to do for you, you can just take a look at the DBL accounts for sale and look for the one with the best quality characters.